Japan Christian Service International (JCSI)
Western Japan Remote Islands Volunteer Mission
My name is Kimiyoshi Kurihara and I work for GMI in Japan as a volunteer missionary. I have a Korean wife with two daughters. Before we moved to this island, we were working in South Korea as Japanese language teachers in the SDA Language Institute for 6 years, but one day God told me to go to the Nagasaki Tsushima island, on the western side of Japan, where there was no Adventist Christian presence.
When God told me to do this, I refused it at first because we were afraid of going there with no salary and no Adventists, but God promised us in the Bible that if we obey and trust in Him, He provides for all of our needs. We have now been working on this island for more than 3 years with no salary, but as God promised us, we now have two Adventist members from this island with lots of His blessing. I would like to show you some pictures with explanations about what we are doing here.
Our School
What we do
Childrens English program
Around 10 students come to our school every week to study English. These children have never heard of Christ before, but through our English school, they also get to attend the Sabbath school to study the Bible. Currently we are looking for a volunteer native English teacher for a short term.
Korean Language Class
We also hold Korean language classes for some of the adults. So far the classes are small but I’m sure God will continue to bless us with more students.
Summer VBS
Every summer we have a VBS program with Adventist Youth. They come from all over Japan to help us. Young Adventist’s influences on local children who have never heard of Christ are so great.
Discovery Nature School
One of our main projects that we are putting a lot of work into is teaching the natural science that God created to local children. We not only teach them, but children who attend our program can also have many different kinds of hands-on work experience, such as making a rubber powered glider and milling flour. The children enjoy learning about how God made birds and insects so wisely.
How you can get involved
Every day we have so many things to do to preach the Gospel to every single person on the island. Please pray for our mission and help us with your prayers and support.
You can also watch our project on Youtube.
Contact Information
- Contact Email: kimiyoshikurihara@yahoo.com
- Mobile Phone: 81-90-6429-2694
- Address: Kimiyoshi Kurihara
2815 Tsutsu, Izuhara-chou ,Tsushima-city, Nagasaki
Japan 817-0154