PAMAS News: Every nation, tribe, tongue and people
A note from Dwayne:
It has been almost 6 weeks since my return from the USA from working on the Twin Comanche. Gary Roberts is still waiting for clearances and approvals to be granted before he flies it over here. Hopefully by the end of November he will have made it over here. I spent the first two weeks here in Manila processing the transfer of registration on the Cessna 172 , things have been moving slowly. We left the papers with a friend and headed back up to Santiago to continue the work on the hanger and making the containers into living quarters. Andrey had finished the windows on one side and had all the metal studs welded in place. Over the next couple of weeks we put walls in for the rooms, and put sheet rock and insulation on the walls and ceiling, and made a kitchen counter.
I thought the papers should be ready to pick up on the plane last week (but they weren’t) so Wendy and I are back in the Manila area trying to finish that so we can start flying again.
We still have some pending flights to make to the Batanes islands. They are an isolated island chain off the north end of Luzon where the church is working with LIGHT in establishing some work up there.
We are planning to move into one of the hanger apartments by the end of November. We continue to pray for dry weather both at our Luzon airbase and the Palawan airbase so we can finish the runways so they will be usable now that we have airplanes.
Wendy and Tanya continue ministering to the depressed neighborhoods around the Adventist hospital where we currently stay. Showing concern for people’s physical needs and teaching them how to live better still seems to be one of the most effective ways to reach the people for Christ. The LIGHT missionaries and local church members help in this ministry also, but it’s not enough to keep up with all the requests for Bible studies and home visits.
As we see the big need for work in the cities, we are not forgetting the neglected people in the remote areas. Many Christians don’t know that there are still hundreds of people groups in the world that have never heard the name of Jesus and don’t even have a Bible in their language yet. In the Philippines alone, according to one report, there are 97 distinct language groups (out of 170 some total languages) that still have no Adventist churches (and dozens of those have virtually no Christian presence of any kind). So many people are ready and waiting to accept the Good News, but we need to pray for more workers and resources to reach them.
Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations (people groups), and then the end will come.”
Revelation 7:9: “…before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb…”
We thank you all for your continued prayers and support to help accomplish this great task.
Dwayne and Wendy Harris
Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS)
Enjoy the attached pictures.
You can also find more pics and updates on our facebook: “Pamas Mission”, or “Wendy Guptill Harris”
P.S. We just learned the amount that God has provided for us this month and we want to thank you for your donations that will allow us to finish the one hangar/container apartment and help with the cost of flying the Twin Comanche over here.
Prayer Request: Please pray for the Revival and Medical Missionary Training program at the Divassoria church in Santiago, being held this month. It will be put on by the Mayoyao and Santiago LIGHT missionaries. This is being done in response to a “dying” church asking for revival, and the need for more missionaries.
Current Needs:
Mayoyao and Neighborhood ministries:
- Bibles and sharing materials ($5/Bible, $4/100 pamphlets)
- Blood Pressure Cuffs and Stethoscopes
- Sponsors for Mayoyao missionaries: $300/month for one family, $50-$100/month for singles
Other urgent needs:
- Funds to complete the hangar/housing complex and runway in Luzon ($15,000) (one apartment will be finished soon. Thank you!)
- Fuel to fly the 6-seater Twin-Comanche from the U.S. to the Philippines (partially provided. Thank you!)
- Helicopters–$250K each
If you’d like to help.
Make checks payable to:
 *Gospel Ministries International Send checks to: GMI (Gospel Ministries International) P O Box 506, Collegedale, TN 37315.*Be sure to specify donation is for “PAMAS” and
*Add any additional notes if you wish the donation to go for a specific need
Thank you very much!