Guyana Indigenous Aviation

GAMAS is a faith-based organization whose mission is to carry the good news of salvation to Guyana and the world through the use of mainly aviation and medical ministry. GAMAS began with airplane pilot/mechanic and Nurse David Gates before the year 2000 whose passion is to spread the gospel through medical aviation and media ministries.…

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Agriculture Certification Program

In God’s plan for Israel every family had a home on the land, with sufficient ground for tilling. Thus were provided both the means and the incentive for a useful, industrious, and self-supporting life. And no devising of men has ever improved upon that plan. The Faith I Live p. 260 Our Mission: To restore…

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Agriculture Certification Program

In God’s plan for Israel every family had a home on the land, with sufficient ground for tilling. Thus were provided both the means and the incentive for a useful, industrious, and self-supporting life. And no devising of men has ever improved upon that plan. The Faith I Live p. 260 Our Mission: To restore…

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