Uncle David’s October Frontlines Report
As I boarded my last connecting flight from the mission field to the US, I just wanted to rest. So I closed my eyes and soon I was sleeping. But in about 10 minutes I was wide awake and greeted the lady sitting next to me. When I found out she was from Haiti I perked up and greeted her in Creole. I told her I had flown eight medical trips to Haiti many years ago.
Read MoreBMMC: Missionaries for God
A poem by: Mrs. Verlon Henry
With so many voices in the world today, where can we turn to find the truth? How can we know God’s will and guard against Satan’s deceptions? Does it really matter what we believe?
Read MoreTsushima Volunteer Mission Report – August 2017
This month we invited Pastor Kaoru Inoue, a former gang member of Yakuza to a special lecture in the summer evangelism program and asked him to talk about his own experiences. The theme was “You can start over again your life in Jesusâ€.
Read MoreUncle David’s response to Pastor Wilson’s letter being circulated on the Internet
August 21, 2017 Pastor Ted Wilson, President General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 12501 Old Colombia Pike Silver Spring, MD 20904. Re: Humble response to your letter being circulated on the Internet Dear Pastor Wilson, We have personally known each other, corresponded together and have been praying for each other for over twenty years. I continue…
Read MoreUncle David’s August Frontlines Report
Standing at the pulpit, in the middle of my sermon, I saw him run through the church door. “Quick, a tree has fallen on a man from a neighboring village breaking his legs and injuring his abdomen. Please bring the plane and take him to the hospital,” he said.
Read MoreMy Long Journey To Becoming A Mission Pilot – by Lincoln Gomez
Seventeen years ago, little did I dream that I would be flying over the jungles of my own country, Guyana. I was baptized when I was nine years old into the Paruima Seventh- Day Adventist church but after several years of several years of studying in the capital city, Georgetown; I gradually strayed from God’s will and way.
Plane #2 Down
The past few months have been challenging but rewarding. In May we had the privilege of visiting and helping with some other mission aviation projects in Indonesia, and while we were there we attended a Medical Missionary Summit put on by Southern Asia-Pacific Division’s health department.
Read MoreBMMC: Summer Report
The weekend of June 30th to July 3rd, 2017 was a memorable one for the Bethany Village and more directly the Bethany Medical Missionary College located up the Supenaam Creek, Region 2.
Read MoreFrontline Gospel Support – Summer 2017
We have been in need of a vehicle in Santa Cruz for quite some time to carry students, patients, volunteers, and supplies to various places. So, we started looking into what it will take to purchase a car.
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