ELDA MADAI MINISTRY Report (Spanish & English)

I was still sweeping in the bathroom with the door almost closed completely and suddenly heard a deafening gunshot! And then I heard things flying near the kitchen, instantly, Tania and Mary scream, made me realize that it was not a normal cry, i could hear fear and anxiety at the same time.

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Bolivia Mission Aviation Report

As we neared the first checkpoint, we were all uneasy. The taxi driver was visibly nervous, even more so after hitting a cat on the dark road. As we neared the armed guards with their automatic weapons, I did not know what was going to happen.

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Guyana Mission Report: It’s the Devil!

It’s the Devil!!! I watched quietly as the tractor drove toward the plane, with one lone patient jostling around on the crude wooden platform on the back. I was on a routine flight up to Kaikan Village, (or so I thought).

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Guyana Aviation Maintenance – Anderson

Guyana Aviation Maintenance – Anderson The Anderson family is one of two pilot families in Guyana, we arrived January 2014. Our aim is to provide much needed services, such as medical evacuations and education support, in the interior regions of Guyana. While we are meeting these needs we are watching the Lord open the door…

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Two New E-books

The Mission Heritage of Gospel Ministries International When our own homes are what they should be, our children will not be allowed to grow up in idleness and indifference to the claims of God in behalf of the needy all about them. As the Lord’s heritage, they will be qualified to take up the work…

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