Tsushima Volunteer Mission Report – June 2024
From May 19 to 27, three Japanese volunteers living in the US visited Tsushima for eight days. Each of them took time off from their job and came at their own expense. One of them, Noboru, is a 72 year old gospel musician. He first came to Tsushima five years ago.
Read MoreFrontlines Mission Report First Quarter 2024
After years of constant travel, Becky and I have gratefully slowed down a bit. But travel demands have again accelerated with three months in Brazil, Peru, Colombia and the Philippines. The GMI retreat at our School of Nursing in Medellin, Colombia was a special blessing with new information on health and a better understanding of…
Read MoreGrenada Family Network Report — Winter 2024
It’s no secret that the world is facing an unprecedented crisis. Most people would say that crises (plural) are too numerous to list, but everything goes back to one singular crisis – a profound lack of faith and love.
We as God’s people are called to live by “faith which works by love” (Galatians 5:6), yet too often we see unbelief and unkindness even in the church.
Read MoreZARIFÉ, A Story of Faith
My name is Zarifé Loor and my story begins in La Revancha neighborhood in Manta province of Manabí-Ecuador.” Zarifé is a girl who is currently 11 years old, but her story with Jesus began a year ago. She studies at the New Generation School in the Urbirríos neighborhood. One day, a year ago, while she…
Reaching Boston One Patient at a Time by Anita Brodie
Hello, my name is Anita Brodie. Do you happen to have a burden for souls in the Eastern cities? Say maybe…Boston? Uncle David has been very kind to give me a platform for my appeal. Thank you so much Uncle David! The purpose of this post is apprising you of the work in the East…
Read MoreNewStart Better Living Center – Anita Brodie
May I introduce you to our NewStart Medical Missionary Outreach. We’ve been working in Boston, Massachusetts since 1990 using the “right arm of the Message“—the health message—one of Jesus’ wonderful tools at our disposal to reach souls before His imminent return! There are 4.4 million people living in this densely populated Eastern city. The Lord…
Read MoreMiller Palawan Ministry
Our goal is to speed the spread of the gospel to the unreached and remote areas of the Philippines by providing air and medical support to established SDA missions/organizations (as well as unentered areas as opportunities arise). These remote missions sometimes have medical clinics, churches, and elementary schools that greatly benefit from the air-support.
Read MoreHOPE Ec Foundation – Summer 2023 Report (PDF)
HOPE Ec Foundation is a missionary project that was born in February 2021, in the midst of a pandemic when everything was closed: Churches, schools, colleges, public entities, etc.
Our foundation is legally constituted in Ecuador . . .
Read MoreAmazonian Radio Mission
The Amazonian Medical Mission has expanded its ministry to incorporate the Amazonian Radio Mission. The Amazonian Radio mission broadcasts from the small town of Ixiamas, which is located in the north western region of the Amazon in Bolivia. The Amazonian Radio Mission is the first and only radio to broadcast The 3 Angels Messages (Revelation…
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