365 Days of Blessings – GMI 2014 Newsletter

My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

Earlier this year I was walking the main street of a jungle town in Peru. A young man walking past me suddenly stopped, backed up and tapped me on the shoulder.

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PAMAS News: Avgas Miracle

We had been talking about making a trip to Timor Leste for about a year. The plan was to fly our Piper Twin Comanche there from the Philippines. One of the reasons for the trip was to gather information and make plans for starting a medical aviation program with a helicopter.

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PAMAS News: Helicopter matching funds reached!

Dear Friends and Family, We’ve always said that when God provides a helicopter it will be the biggest miracle yet. It will leave no room for doubt that there is a very powerful God who is able to provide for His work! For more than 3 years we’ve been praying for a helicopter to serve…

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Claim Your Inheritance

* Featured Image: A young Kurdish girl such as those being forced to flee for their lives from extremists in Syria and Iraq. Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession. Psalm 2:8   Dear family and friends, Recently I moved…

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