MOVE Update Letter

Why start a training center, some may ask? The reason goes back when I first started working in Bolivia. I was asked to direct a high school to which I reluctantly accepted feeling very much unqualified for the task.

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Revival In Wax Creek

As I put the airplane into a shallow dive, I scoured the desolate savanna airstrip, looking for the bible workers. I was scheduled to pass by Wax Creek on the way to Kopinang to move Pastor Casey to yet another village.

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PAMAS News: First Landing!

Wednesday morning we heard the sound of the compacter rolling down the airstrip. “It’s here!” Shirley and I ran outside to take pictures as it slowly inched towards us, smoothing a beautiful path behind it.

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Ramah Mission School

Ramah Mission School is a recently started project located in Haiti. The Lord has miraculously provided property for carrying out operations, but this is only the beginning.

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Ramah Mission School

  Ramah Mission School is a recently started project located in Haiti. The Lord has miraculously provided property for carrying out operations, but this is only the beginning. The school’s vision is to become a vital resource for its community through Bible and community services carried out by its students and faculty. At this time…

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PAMAS News and Stories

Things are finally moving along with the airstrips. The Palawan airstrip in Brooke’s Point is now completed, thanks to your support…

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Reporte Misionero Belice: Cuando pases por el fuego

EL CABALLO DEL MILAGRO Hace casi un mes, mientras comíamos el almuerzo en casa de Jeff y Fawna, observé por la ventana a uno de nuestros vecinos, el Señor Bill Jones, caminaba muy lento mientras sostenía la cuerda del caballo “JAY”. Pero… ¿Por qué caminaba tan lento?, cuando estaban por salir del portón, pude observar…

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