Tsushima Volunteer Mission Report – May 2023
In January of this year, our landlord suddenly asked us to move out of the house we had lived in for over 11 years, and where we held church each Sabbath. We were given three months to move out. The reasons he gave was that he is getting old, it is difficult for him to manage the house, and he needs to sell the house quickly to pay for his retirement. So while we were back home with my wife’s family in Korea for New Year’s, the house was being sold to someone else.
Read MorePeru Native Outreach – Spring Report (PDF)
In the remote native communities of Mazamari-Satipo, in Peru, we carry out a work of faith and unwavering commitment to carry out the mission that the Lord has entrusted to us according to Mark 16:15 “And he said to them: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved
Read MoreThe Spring of Health Lifestyle Center, Serbia – 2023 Spring Update
Bolivia Industrial School – December 2022 Report (PDF)
In the Bible we are told that “there is more joy in heaven for one sinner who repents than for ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance.” How true these words are, not only referring to joy in heaven, but also to the joy we experience as we see our students give their lives to God.
Read MoreGMI TV
Gospel Ministries International media ministry in based in North America. Mission Statement To communicate the Three Angels Messages in clear, practical and motivating ways and to help people prepare to make their eternal decision for God. We do this through heart preparation content, targeted to various audience levels, delivered through multiple platforms and channels tailored…
Read MoreTsushima Volunteer Mission Report – December 2022
To my surprise, the starter motor, which had not been running at all, suddenly started spinning vigorously, and the engine started immediately. Mr. Kiritani, who was watching beside me, stood there speechless, staring at me in amazement.
Read MoreMission Aviation: N425 Update
Brandtley and the mechanic, Daniel LaVine, give a progress report of the work being done on N425RM. This plane is getting ready to fly to Alaska with a mission of reaching at least 15 “dark” villages. These “dark” villages are so-called because they have never heard of the 3 Angels’ Message or simply put, not…
Read MoreBolivia Industrial School – May 2022 Report (PDF)
My name is Ilvia Lisbeth, I am 17 years old and I am in my final year of secondary school.
I arrived at UETIRG in 2018 because I wanted to learn new things and change my routine that I had at home. When I first arrived, life was very different for me, for example getting out of bed at 5 am, the work and the things they taught about God. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Seventh-day Adventists because I had never heard of this church before.
Read MoreTsushima Volunteer Mission Report – April 2022
Praise be to the name of the Lord! Ten years have passed since we moved to Tsushima to share God’s love with the islanders who do not know the Lord. When we first came to this small remote island of Japan, I was really worried every day about whether I would be able to make a living as a volunteer missionary without a fixed salary and whether I would be able to support my family.
Read MoreUncle David’s January Frontlines Mission Report
Some years ago, while working in Denmark, I accepted an invitation to join some young people in handing out literature to the public down town. I was quite surprised to see how many people said “No, thank youâ€. When asked if they belonged to a church, they would respond that they were Lutherans but they had no interest in reading anything religious. Those that did accept the little magazines were primarily foreigners, mostly Hispanics or Romanians. In Scandinavia, as well as some other.   Â
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