Front Line Gospel Support – Spring 2018

We made two mission outreach flights in April about 300 miles away to villages outside of a small town called San Borja. We could only take 5 out of the 7 volunteers in the airplane since it is too small to carry that many people. These two people, David, a volunteer dentist from Peru and Franz our local Bolivian volunteer had to go on the 15+ hour bus ride instead of 2 hours by air.

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Mount Akagi Institute

In the early 1950s, a group from Madison College traveled to Japan to begin a medical ministry training work at Mount Akagi. In 1978, three families accepted the call from Eden Valley in Colorado to continue this work in central Japan. English schools operated by U.S. and Canadian student missionaries in nearby communities supported the…

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GFN Report Spring 2018

Dear friends, Someone recently asked me how things are going for Grenada Family Network. I am embarrassed to say that it has been about 10 months since my last report. How time flies! So much has happened in the past 10 months that it would take several pages to cover it all.  I wish I…

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Uncle David’s 1st Quarter Frontlines Report

“Look at all those people camped out on the lawn in front of the bus station,” I exclaimed as we drove through the small city of Boa Vista in northwest Brazil.
“Those are all Venezuelans who have fled their home country,” said Daniel, one of our Venezuelan pilots. “They left with nothing and with no money to travel. They can’t get further than the bus station.”

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December 2017 Tsushima Mission Report

By the grace of our heavenly Father, after six years we are blessed to be able to continue working in our Nature School as a base for our mission. One of our staff members, Asako Itou who is 35 years old, had Christian grandparents.

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Mission, Send Me – Medical Mission Trip Bulletin #3

With much anticipation, we arrived on Sunday 26 to the city of San Borja. Which is located to the Northwest of the Bolivia, where the indigenous Chimani communities are located. They live at the banks of the Maniquí river and their diet consists of mainly fish, plantain and yucca.

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Uncle David’s December Frontlines Report

“Oh Lord, may I slow down now? It has been so many years working at breakneck speed. It would be so nice to slow down,”

I presented my oft repeated question in prayer.

God’s answer so far has been, “Night cometh when no man can work. When it comes then you can rest.”

Now, I pray for health, strength and energy and He is providing.

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