Mission Stories
Guyana Mission Report: Robbed! (…but not taken)
Bang! I felt something hit the back of the van. It was a Thursday afternoon and hotter than Hades in mid-summer. All the windows that could be rolled down in my van were fully down since the air conditioner was out of commission.
Read MoreMore Mission Stories From Leticia
Having grown up in an Adventist home, I have always been familiar with the interpretation of prophesy. It has made wonder what it would be like for someone to hear about prophesy for the first time. I was about to have an experience to find out.
Read MorePAMAS News: First Sabbath Services in Karusuan
A village man that showed up to church one day requesting our help saying, “We don’t want any other religion in our village except the religion of Kamantian.”
Read MoreUpdate: A Japanese Fisherman Caught by Jesus
A fisherman who had been learning the bible from this year accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. Praise the Lord!! Last week he was baptized in a beautiful valley of the island.
Read MoreAdventist Aviation Continues in Indonesia
A video testimony of Chief Pilot Gary Roberts, a missionary pilot in West Indonesia-Papua, regarding the Adventist Aviation Ministry.
Read MoreMission Stories From Leticia
I checked her and found that the baby was in a horizontal position and that her water had broken. “Oh Lord!” I thought, “What can we do?”
Read MoreGFN Report: Standing on the Promises
The last time I wrote we were facing a very serious financial challenge, but knew we could face the future with courage because the promises of God are sure. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.†NLT
Read MoreEscuela Vacacional Biblica Barrio Lindo Julio 2015
La Tia Rebecca Gates y equipo de voluntarios de la Red ADvenir aprovechan unos dias libres para dar a los niños de Barrio Lindo, vecinos y televidentes de ADvenir, una Escuela Vacacional. Amamos a los niños alli y ellos nos aman también. Tio David
Read MoreA Japanese Fisherman Caught by Jesus
Hi Everyone,
This is Kimi Kurihara and my family and I are working for Jesus as volunteers in a small island of Japan called Tsushima. Since we came here, God has opened the new door to spread the Gospel to those who never heard of Christ Jesus in the island.
Read MoreGuyana Aviation Maintenance Update
It was quickly apparent that this plane needed more (time and money) than we were willing to invest in it. In December we began praying for clarity. Why did we go all the way to Tennessee? What were we supposed to do?
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