Kimbia Mission Academy
As early as 1897 Ellen White wrote, “Now as never before we need to understand the true science of education. If we fail to understand this, we shall never have a place in the Kingdom of God.” (Christian Educator, August 1897)
There is a danger that we may not understand God’s plan. It is so simple that we may overlook it because we expect it to be complex. It may appear so absolute and complete in its blessing that we can’t believe it.
KMA was established primarily as a secondary school training center. This type of training is based on the idea of teaching a person how to be self-supporting and at the same time maintain an active part in the lay missionary program of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. God has instructed us how to prepare His own children for the Kingdom. He has prescribed what should be taught; why, how and when it is to be taught. He specifies a balance of Head, Heart and Hand.
As such, Kimbia’s mission is to provide for the people of Guyana a Christ-centered Christian education, following the type of training commonly called the Madison plan. This education trains for the spiritual, physical and mental needs of the individual in the following areas:
• As a people we should be learning to base of livelihood upon agriculture, thus gaining self-support with independence from the outside world.
• Teaching the student to be self-supporting and independent in the country, as a means to an end, doing the missionary work of the church.
• Each member of the church must learn the truths and doctrines in the Bible and be able to present them in an intelligent manner. Students are encouraged to take their well-rounded education–which in addition to Bible, includes reading, writing, math, home management, food and nutrition, the sciences and English–and use it in missionary work for the Lord rather than for worldly advancement and advantage.
Website: http://www.kimbia.org/mission.htm