BMMC: Missionaries for God
A poem by: Mrs. Verlon Henry
Doctor Gates came from the States,
To revive missionaries, some are at stake
Hasten the call and do God’s work,
Before it is too late.
Listen to experiences of God’s providence,
Let the Holy Spirit lead and build confidence,
With Christ as our leader, we have no fear,
He is coming soon, let us be prepared.
As missionaries we’re called, do not hesitate at all
The work is great, develop more faith
Come Holy Spirit revive us again
Let there be health reform then we will be transformed
Some will say, no money to spend,
Wait on the Lord! On Him we depend!
Be committed, dedicated and take our stand,
Follow God’s command,
For missionaries, are really in demand.
Submitted by: Gale O. James-bollers,
Director – Bethany Medical Missionary College