MOVE Training School
We are a school more than anything, but a school that is out of the norm. We could better call the school a center of mobilization for missionaries or a center of connections for projects. The truth is, that we are the three in one.
- MOVE specializes in connecting people with different missions, training them, and helping them to move around the world.
- We are an organization very balanced in beliefs and in our ways to reach others. By balanced, I’m referring to our strong, clear principles that aren’t negotiable, but at the same time we give everyone the liberty choose for themselves a life to honor and glorify God.
- MOVE trains people in technical areas that’s not extremely intellectual. We believe in the blessing of work and the opportunities to reach out to others while serving as mechanics, constructors, health workers, agriculturists, and teachers.
- MOVE greatly values training thought. We help others to think for themselves; to be logical, independent, creative, in the now, and to leave their comfort zone for the betterment of man to develop an indestructible fidelity to God.
- MOVE is evangelistical. We don’t see evangelism with limited activity to study the bible, visit house to house, or to have meeting at church (we do, do all of these). We live evangelism in every moment of out lives; working for others, constructing for others, providing health attention, visiting, having small groups, repairing vehicles, makings friends, feeding others, giving clothes, and teaching others about the plan of salvation and the times we live in.
- MOVE doesn’t maintain missionaries without exporting them to the most needy parts of the world.
- MOVE works in harmony with the Adventist church and is a support for pastors, laymen, and the local churches.
- MOVE has a short program of classes so that the students can be in the mission field as soon as possible.
- MOVE forms leaders.
- MOVE is flexible, changes, and is getting better all the time, the good ideas stay and the bad are used to avoid future errors. We are open to growth; to test and try methods that are in agreement with bible principles that have been intelligently planned, but we don’t always adopt all.
- MOVE is humble. We never stop learning, we don’t compete with other centers, schools or projects; but we support those with as little or as much as we have. We are ready to receive advice, ideas, and instruction if they are in line with the mission and vision that we have and are directed by the Holy Spirit.
- MOVE only works with volunteers, we don’t receive pay nor do we pay, we work with donations to develop infrastructure. The form in which each individual missionary lives, travels, or serves depends completely on God with donations, savings, or different sources.
Every MOVE volunteer, as an active missionary, being a channel of light in the darkest places of the world.
A dedicated, consecrated and well trained work force in foreign mission fields.
Educated to serve as teachers, evangelists, health workers, mechanics, agriculturists and builders.
Qualified, experienced and successful Adventist Volunteers who have a vision for mission service. Part-time and full-time teaching positions available.
MOVE is Moving:
MOVE Newsletter – MOVE is Moving
MOVE (Missionary Outreach And Volunteer Evangelism) offers a three month course in evangelism and in one of the following trades: health, education, mechanics, agriculture, or construction which when combined create effective outreach . All students will be trained in and participate in personal and public evangelism and unconventional trade focused evangelism to make bible work lived out in every manner of life. The course curriculum incorporates significant hands on learning and real world practical application in conjunction with classroom training. After the initial 3 months of training in Belize there is another 6 months of “training” as actual missionaries to finish the program. MOVE will, in-conjunction with the students, provide calls and placements for the students. The courses are designed in such a way that they will be taught by volunteers.
Contact Info:
Contact Person: Jeffery Sutton
Contcat email: movetoserve@gmail.com
For more info visit: http://www.movetraining.org/
Three ways to donate:
- Call Gospel Ministries International at 423-473-1841 and let them know you would like to donate to the MOVE school in Belize.
- Mail a check or money order. Reference that the donation go towards the “MOVE school in Belize” on the memo line or on a separate piece of paper. Make the check or money order payable to “Gospel Ministries International” and mail to:
Gospel Ministries International
PO Box 506
Collegedale, TN
37315 - Donate online. Click here.
Thank you for your prayers and support of MOVE.