Next Trip to Venezuela

The search for Bob Norton and the others who went missing in the jungles of Venezuela on Feb 16, 2009 continues on (see for details). We are now conducting our fundraiser for the next trip to Venezuela scheduled for Oct 28 – Nov 5. The purpose of this trip is to take an investigator from the Missing Aircraft Search Team (M.A.S.T.) down to Venezuela to conduct video interviews with all available eyewitnesses and to investigate additional clues. We will also be taking high definitition images as we fly over the jungle on two possible routes Norton may have flown that morning. We will have 3 different types of cameras mounted to the Cessna 206 with some geotagging images of the jungle canopy. We will be using this data to further look for clues for the crash site and to help prepare for taking our search drone down after the first of the year. Our location and tracks on this next trip will be available to view on our website since we will have transponders on us keeping track of our whereabouts. If you would like to assist us with a tax deductible donation to help cover the expenses for this trip, we would appreciate your help. Just go to our website and follow the link for “Donations”. Thanks as always, as we press ahead . . .

Bob Edwards | Norton Search Team Lead

Phone: 1-423-280-8217 | E-mail: bobedwards {at} findingbobnorton(.)org
