PAMAS News: First Landing!

It was another exciting and momentous day on Monday when the airstrip was completed and the Twin Comanche made it’s first landing! It is now enjoying it’s new home in the hangar.
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Last day compacting the Luzon airstrip

God’s Signature

Wednesday morning we heard the sound of the compacter rolling down the airstrip. “It’s here!” Shirley and I ran outside to take pictures as it slowly inched towards us, smoothing a beautiful path behind it.

This was an answer to several weeks of prayer. One thing after another had come up and we couldn’t seem to get a compacter to finish the last step to finishing the airstrip. First we couldn’t find one available, then we couldn’t find a truck to transport it, then the driver disappeared. Finally arrangements were made and the rolling had finally begun. As the day continued we watched the sky carefully, looking for any sign of rain. Dwayne had been telling us for weeks to pray for rain the night after the first compacting (whenever that might be). It was important for a heavy rain to come to help settle the gravel before the last compacting the next day. We had all been praying and asking friends and prayer partners to pray for the rain on this occasion. Even the compacter owner asked Dwayne if he had a machine to water the gravel, but Dwayne simply said “No. I’m praying that God will make it rain.”

It was around 4:00 in the afternoon when the driver turned the roller engine off. Immediately we heard big rain drops start to tap on the tin roof. Loud thunder clapped the sky and the wind started to blow. We ran around the house closing windows but the wind blew even harder and the rain became so heavy that it came right up the window slats and poured down the walls into our house! At the top of the windows, where we haven’t put glass yet, the rain blew straight across to the opposite wall. The water was soon flooding our tile floors, running under the furniture as fast as we could sop it up. Craig and Shirley (visitors from Alaska) came running to the rescue. We were laughing and praising God for His goodness and sense of humor as we mopped up the water.

The storm left as fast as it had come – about 30 minutes. After it was all over we were marveling at God’s ways of going all out to show His love and power. Then we saw it, God’s signature in the sky — a beautiful rainbow! It was as if He was saying with a grin, “It’s me! What else can I do for you?”

Craig and Shirley to the rescue, mopping up our flooded house!
Rainbow<br /><br /><br /><br />
                                                          over project<br /><br /><br /><br />

God’s signature after the rain

First Landing!

It was another exciting and momentous day on Monday when the airstrip was completed and the Twin Comanche made it’s first landing! It is now enjoying it’s new home in the hangar.

First landing on the new airstrip!

The mission plane is home at last!

Dwayne and Wendy on the long awaited day

PAMAS is a faith-based, volunteer organization which aids the Adventist church in it’s mission to carry the Gospel to the world through the use of aviation and medical ministry. 

If you’d like to help, make checks payable to: Gospel Ministries International

Send checks to:
GMI (Gospel Ministries International)
P O Box 506, Collegedale, TN  37315(Be sure to specify donation is for “PAMAS”)Or call the GMI office:  423-473-1841 
Or donate online at our website:           (be sure to specify donation is for “PAMAS”)Thank you for your prayers and support!Dwayne and Wendy Harris
Current Needs:–Helicopters: $120,00 still needed (for one)
–Hangar/housing and airstrip – Completed! Thank you!
–Tractor/mowers for both airstrips
–Bibles and sharing materials
–Medical supplies
–Children’s suppliesVolunteers Needed:
–AccountantPrayer Requests:
–Need for dedicated, trained, local missionaries
–Wisdom, safety, and health for missionaries