Ramah Mission School
Ramah Mission School is a recently started project located in Haiti. The Lord has miraculously provided property for carrying out operations, but this is only the beginning. The school’s vision is to become a vital resource for its community through Bible and community services carried out by its students and faculty. At this time the property is in a development stage. There are sufficient buildings on the property, but significant upgrading is needed.
As a result, and for the benefit of making an immediate impact on the educations of children in the local community, the school initiated its “Stay In School†program. Families in Haiti that want their children to be educated at the government run schools must pay tuition.
Due to the lack of economic resources in most Haitian families the cost of schooling is greater than they can afford. So, Ramah Mission School’s main educational focus at this time is providing funding so that children in the community can afford to receive an education. Presently there are ten children receiving assistance and attending school.
Another program currently operated by the school’s faculty provides seed money to local entrepreneurs. Micro-loans are made to start small businesses. As the loans are repaid, the funds will be loaned to new entrepreneurs, and the cycle will continue.
The first major educational enterprise on school property will be a training school for Bible workers and medical missionaries. Following that an elementary school and secondary school are planned to bring Christina education to the local community.
Also planned is a radio station to share the good news that Jesus Christ Himself will come soon.
Because the school property is in the beginning stages of development there are many needs at this time. Those include:
- Volunteers including those skilled in teaching, construction, communication, medical fields, agriculture, nutrition, and others with a passion to advance God’s work
- Funds for operations including books and teaching materials, supplies and stipends
- Funds for building improvements including renovation of existing buildings into classrooms, dormitories, faculty housing, staff housing, cafeteria, worship and meeting areas and broadcast facility
- Tractors, gardening tools and equipment, seeds for planting, utility and passenger vehicles
- Solar panels, electricity inverters, large storage batteries, laptop computers, radio station mixer, antenna, equalizer, microphones, signal receivers, headphones, CD/DVD duplication equipment and short wave radios.