Reaching Boston One Patient at a Time by Anita Brodie

Hello, my name is Anita Brodie. 

Do you happen to have a burden for souls in the Eastern cities? Say maybe…Boston? Uncle David has been very kind to give me a platform for my appeal. Thank you so much Uncle David! The purpose of this post is apprising you of the work in the East that you may never have heard of and an appeal for funding for this continuing mission project here in Boston.

We became SDA at the age of 22 and used our early training in hydrotherapy to facilitate our mission work. My husband, Arthur Brodie, was a very famous Orthopedic Sports Massage Therapist in Boston, and me, a multiple technique Health  Therapist/Hydrotherapist. Previously we labored in many States in the USA, Scandinavia, Europe, England, Scotland, and Asia.

When asking Jesus in 1990 where He wanted us to work next—He said Boston and…we went. We opened our humble NewStart Better Living Center outpost, working until it burned down in 2004. By miracles we moved here into our 2nd outpost 18 yrs ago. We are 1 ¼ hr due west of Boston. Pre-Covid we had 2 offices in Boston (Southie/Brookline), working with 6,000+ patients in 30+ yrs. On weekends our outreach continued with our Boston patient-friends coming to our outpost for treatments, they often stayed weekends for rich fellowship, inevitable Bible conversation/studies, going to church, hiking in God’s abundant nature, and enjoying good vegan food!

Kevin: our dear patient-friend, introduced to Jesus. One of the tenderest hearts you’ll ever meet, so loving. Drawn to Jesus and us.

The Holy Spirit moved upon countless hearts and brought many to baptism and responding to Jesus with changed lives. Jamie is one. He became our spiritually adopted son. His conversion story is AMAZING! He is such a disciple for Jesus! He’s working fervently in VT for souls. 

My work consists of Treatment Programs for live-in patients with 1-6 week programs, outpatient LifeStyle, Counseling, teaching health classes in Boston, and much more. All these years we met people where they were at, and in many venues of life. We were extremely busy and rarely took vacations. Our desire was to spend and be spent for Jesus in soul winning efforts. We had no other object before us, and this we did by His appointment and grace. Jesus used us to work Boston for souls. By the grace of God they heard and saw the gospel and were introduced to Jesus, received books and Bibles, were prayed for and with, time spent and Bible studies given, tears and heartbreak shared, and all were friends made. God has been so good! We have been made rich in souls! God is gracious. But there is more to do… 



Some of Arthur and Anita’s patients and treatments:

Arthur’s sports patient receiving a ‘cupping’ treatment.

Anita‘s two recent cancer patients working on their next step in their treatment program










Arthur working on a patient at a sports event.

Young person from Boston w KT Tape that stayed for the weekend.










Arthur’s patient with lymphedema: Arthur worked with Dr. Lerner, who developed a technique: MLD— manual lymphatic drainage—that Arthur perfected, reducing the treatment time to less than half in the reduction of the built-up lymphatic fluid just under the skin. With this “light touch treatment”, he could eliminate 20 pounds of lymphatic fluid in a single treatment. God gave Arthur wisdom.

Anita’s cancer patient in a full body charcoal wrap.























I lost my amazing Arthur 12/11/2021. It’s a very long sad story for another time—but tragedy ensued, and my lovely Arthur passed away in Jesus. I miss my Arthur more than I can tell. He was incredibly gifted by Jesus at befriending and reaching everyone with the message of a soon coming Saviour, from the governor and mayor to the humblest laborer. He loved Jesus with all his heart. He was a soul winner like no other that I’ve seen with my own natural eyes. Tireless in effort and undaunted in love for souls. Grown men wept when he died. All loved him.

Two young sports patients of Arthur’s.

Ryan:patient-friend. He was born to heroin addict parents, and didn’t have a chance against drugs. But introducing him to Jesus gave him his life back. You’ve never heard a more beautiful prayer prayed by such a young person… he’s an ‘adopted’ son.












Some of the boys from the Hurler teams… they would come on the weekends also.

UMass Amherst sports boys home for the weekend.













Needs and appeal:

It is my intent, Lord willing, to continue working for souls in Boston and to be a refuge for them when they need to leave the city. Time is moving fast. It’s expensive to live in the East. I’ve come to realize my mission work is in need of financial help to continue. Thus, this appeal. Also I need 1-2 workers, preferably with training, but I can train in hydrotherapy, etc. A sports massage therapist would be a major plus, but must come trained. Please send resumes. 

Monthly Financial Needs: $5000

Thank you my brothers and sisters for your time in reading this. Please pray for Boston and the cities in the East, for me and the work. I am praying for you as well. Jesus is coming soon. May we all plead for a great measure of the Holy Spirit, an outpouring, that we may be imbued with His character and merits to win souls…

If you would like more information or just for inquiries, please send me an email at and put GMI on the subject.

God bless you is and shall be my prayer,
