Tsushima Volunteer Mission Report – August 2017
Dear Brother and Sister in Christ,
Hello and how are you doing?
We have spent very busy days in this summer for some evangelism programs held in our island. I hope all of you are doing well every day by His protection. Thank you very much for your support and many prayers for our ministry.
This month we invited Pastor Kaoru Inoue, a former gang member of Yakuza to a special lecture in the summer evangelism program and asked him to talk about his own experiences. The theme was “You can start over again your life in Jesusâ€.
About his life story, we could know that God loves even Yakuza with all of His heart. Before he knew the real God, Mr. Inoue had been living with many bad things for a long time since leaving home at the age of 16. But around 20 years ago he met a Christian lady, Hiroko, who became his wife later when he had to work at her house as a carpenter under training because he lost all of his money from gambling. While he was working there, he and his future wife were getting to know each other little by little and when he finished his job there, he received the Bible from her.
After he started reading the Bible, he felt something changing in his heart. Even though it took a long time for him to accept Jesus as his personal Savior, God never gave him up. Seven years after meeting his wife, her prayers were finally answered, when he was baptized. After he repented of his sins, committed his life and surrendered to Jesus, his life was totally changed by the grace of God. Now he visits many prison and welfare facilities around the world with his wife as a volunteer missionary to share the love of Jesus. And in the prisons he visited there were always God’s miracle, some prisoners who listened to Pastor Inoue’s story believed in Jesus and repented their sins. Inmates who believed in Jesus’ forgiveness and his love have been preaching the gospel to many of the other inmates now. His story was very good story also for Japanese people who never heard of Jesus.
After we finished his lecture, I asked one lady who is an avid Buddhist and also a public elementary school teacher to take my daughter home because I had to clean up the hall with other friends. After I went back home, my daughter excitedly said to me, “Hey, Daddy, teacher said after listening to Pastor Inoue’s story, she wants to believe in real God and know the truth more!†When I heard this word from my daughter I was very happy and also able to know that God can work for people’s hearts even though they have their own religion totally different from us. Now she loves reading our Adventist Signs of the Times magazine a lot. Please pray for this lady. Her name is Kazue Kurata.
May God bless you richly!!!
Kimi Kurihara
JCSI Director
(Tsushima volunteer mission)
If you’d like to help.
Make checks payable to:
Gospel Ministries International
Send checks to:
GMI (Gospel Ministries International)
P O Box 506, Collegedale, TN 37315-0506
(Be sure to specify donation is for “Japan Christian Service Int’l†(JCSI)
Online Donations:
You can donate online through paypal: http://gospelministry.org/donations/
Phone: 423-473-1841 Ask for Tim Tillman
Thank you for your prayers and support!

Nature school program. Our best Korean fiends came our island to help our mission. We had very good time with them.