Update: A Japanese Fisherman Caught by Jesus
Hello friends,
A fisherman who had been learning the bible from this year accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. Praise the Lord!! Last week he was baptized in a beautiful valley of the island. He has now new hope and new joy in Christ which he never had before. We are also very glad to see the moment of his salvation because we could know the reason clearly why we came here as volunteers.
Also another good news is that from April one lady who came to our bible study class held on every Thursday has attended our church also to worship Jesus.
She was a strong Buddhism believer but one day she was wondering if what she was believing is true or not through the Buddhism ascetic practices. Now she wants to convert from Buddhist to Adventist sincerely through the Adventist message but it is still not easy that Buddhism group accept her request. So please pray for her also. Her name is Tachibana.
Thank you and God bless,
Kimiyoshi Kurihara
JCSI(Japan Christian Service International)
Tsushima volunteer mission project