DNJ TV Project
- DNJ TV is an independent television ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church entirely devoted to Present Truth. DNJ stands for Destination New Jerusalem, an indication of just how close we are to the end of time on this earth and our journey to our definitive dwelling place.Currently DNJ TV broadcasts 24/7 in Spanish on the island of Puerto Rico on Channel 77.1. Very shortly we will begin live streaming on our website dnj.tv and other selected platforms in order to reach a larger audience. This year by God’s grace we will be adding an English-language channel.Marla Ilona founded DNJ TV as a self-funded ministry after the death of her brother, a well-known church evangelist on the island. She had already left her career as an international management consultant to become a missionary and serve the Lord with all her time and talents.For nearly 7 years Marla hosted an English-language podcast called “Setting the Record Straight: God’s truth for this generation†which had a considerable international following. You can listen to previous episodes of the podcast at citybiblegroup.com and all major podcasting platforms.
In early 2021 the Lord commissioned Marla to establish DNJ TV following Jesus’ evangelistic methodology: first Jerusalem, then Samaria, then the rest of the world. As quickly as God permits and with your financial support DNJ TV will expand to feature an English-language channel as well.
DNJ TV’s mission is big yet simple: prepare a people to stand true to God during the Investigative Judgment and the Sunday Law Crisis. Our programming is carefully designed to instruct, admonish, uplift and encourage God’s people with Present Truth for our time. We aspire to be one of God’s chosen platforms to give the Loud Cry, the last message of mercy for a darkened world.
Here is a sampling of feedback received from our viewers:
“Ever since I found your channel, I’m hooked! It’s much needed in the times we live in. What a jewel of a channel – the best! I’m a Seventh-day Adventist and this channel is one of the biggest blessings my heavenly Father had in store for me. Warm hug from Puerto Rico. May Jesus bless you.â€
“This is the TV channel where I’ve learned the most! Every program is edifying. I’m learning about healthy eating and its effect on the brain… have even started to modify my diet. I’ve learned a lot about Bible prophecy, the reality of the flood, and how the human race has deteriorated as a consequence of sin. I realize there’s very little time left and I feel that the Holy Spirit is convicting me…â€.
“I’ve told everyone I know about your channel, especially Adventist brothers and sisters. This channel is the best one for today’s Christian: very professional yet entertaining. I hadn’t watched TV in a long time because I don’t like worldly programming. Was even considering selling my TV! I’m glad you guys showed up. Yahweh is a marvelous God. May Yeshua bless you always.â€