GFN Report Autumn 2016 – A Bird, a Beggar, and a Bedraggled Native.

Yesterday I was at the house where our radio and TV studios are located. Since it had been several days since I had been upstairs, I decided to walk through just to check for any potential problems such as roof or plumbing leaks. As I walked into the bathroom, I noticed a small bird called a Bullfinch fluttering against the window.

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Uncle David’s Frontline Mission Report

Do you become easily discouraged by difficult circumstances or by a lack of resources? Consider who your Heavenly Father is, and how “He has placed all the treasures of heaven at our disposal.”

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The Spring of Health Lifestyle Center -Serbia

Our dear friends,

As some of you may know, for the past year, we have been busy working on a new lifestyle center in Serbia. The Lord has blessed us with an amazing property, nestled in just the right spot, with an orchard, spring water, a large house, root cellar, and an additional building unit that could be converted into housing.

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Guyana Mission Report: Putting My Feet in the Water

Nearly twelve years ago when I embarked on my dream of becoming a missionary pilot, it never occurred to me that someday the Lord might lead me to fly an aircraft on and off of the water. In my humble (but narrow minded) opinion, water-based airplanes were plum dangerous and I had zero interest whatsoever of ever piloting a sea plane.

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Guyana PK school/Evangelism Mission Project

Paramakatoi (PK) is a village inland in region 8 of Guyana. The secondary school there is the only secondary school in the sub-region. Winston and Deon Gudge have been fulltime volunteers in PK for 8 years as boy’s and girl’s dean and with the Lord’s guidance have planted the first Seventh-Day Adventist church in a…

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Guyana PK school/Evangelism Mission Project

Paramakatoi (PK) is a village inland in region 8 of Guyana. The secondary school there is the only secondary school in the sub-region. Winston and Deon Gudge have been fulltime volunteers in PK for 8 years as boy’s and girl’s dean and with the Lord’s guidance have planted the first Seventh-Day Adventist church in a…

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Guyana Mission Report: No Substitute for Peace of Mind

I learned a valuable lesson the other night about how to have peace of mind by listening to that small inner voice. Last week I flew into Paruima village and parked the airplane in the usual spot down by the Kamarang river bank. I vaguely noticed that the river was really high and the thought…

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Jesus our hope.

Grenada Family Network is sad to announce the passing of a good friend and supporter, Greg Morgan.     Brother Morgan died on Thursday July 7, due to complications from the Zika virus. Please keep his wife Tashlyn and both families in your prayers as they cope with this unexpected loss. Greg was a kind…

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God Had Another Plan – We Had To Act Fast!

It was not a surprise for me receive WhatsApp from Gabriela Garcia, late in the night. Since January we were writing, back and forth, preparing the project for Puerto Ustarez, I knew that she worked late and many times we talked even after 11:00 pm.

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