PAMAS News: New Mission Planes

We arrived in Loma Linda 2 weeks ago and I attended the Robinson Helicopter maintenance course in Torrance while Wendy stayed with her brother and family in Loma Linda.

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Beloved Child Adventist School – Bulgaria

Beloved Child Adventist School Our purpose is the harmony and beauty in nature to infuse into the relationship between students and their teachers.  We dream to achieve, in collaboration with parents, the most difficult but also the most important task ever entrusted to the man – to educate and teach the youth the Christian values…

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Beloved Child Adventist School – Bulgaria

Our purpose is the harmony and beauty in nature to infuse into the relationship between students and their teachers.
We dream to achieve, in collaboration with parents, the most difficult but also the most important task ever entrusted to the man –

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Mamore River and a Crew

Proceeded by a generalized struggle with different kinds of diseases on the last days, finally on the 20th of October, the team of nineteen people got together and crowded in a minibus and left for a long, tiring and dusty road.

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