From Richard Carrera to David & Becky Gates
Hi Mommy and Daddy,
You won’t believe the troubles and blessings we have had getting Arturo and Tania tickets to travel!
Read MoreAfrica Aviation Ministry: Progress and Delays
Many of you are wondering where we are and what we are doing. Here is a much-delayed update.
Earlier this year when Melody was having pre-term labor in Chad at 27 weeks, we made an emergency return trip to the States. At the time, we were in the middle of a Bible school session. We did not understand why things happened the way they did. Yet God provided a way for the students to complete the course. God protected my wife and our baby.
Read MoreBolivia Industrial School 2013 Brochure
Christ’s life was ever one of giving, and we believe that “the privilege of fellowship with Christ in service†is “the only training that imparts a fitness for participation with Him in His glory†and that it “gives strength and nobility of character.†(Ed 264).
Read MorePAMAS News: Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan
Looking below at town after town completely destroyed by winds and flooding makes us shake our heads in disbelief. We follow the path of the storm in our mission plane, documenting each area with pictures and videos. It looks like a giant 20-mile tornado path. Trees are stripped of leaves and coconut trees are uprooted and laying around like matchsticks.
Read MoreWhen God Closes a Door
For a number of years, I’ve had a nagging feeling that we need to move our main flight operation completely out of the capitol city of Georgetown. Strangely enough, I can’t say that I can pin everything down to one particular reason.
Read MorePAMAS News: Aina’s new life
A few years ago we learned of a medical mission group coming to Puerto Princessa to do free cleft lip/palate surgeries. We sent word out and were able to help several children and teenagers get the life changing surgery.
Read MoreAttempted Robbery
Tuesday morning even smelled like Independence Day. I stashed several watermelons to cool in the creek, and split some firewood for the kitchen, while the kids went to march in Yata to fulfill our legal obligation as an accredited school to participate in a minimum of one civic event annually.
Read MorePrinting in the Name of the Lord
I burst out laughing when I heard the expression. On that particular day I happened to be winging my way down to Region 9. The day before Ryan Moore (our new Media Tech) and I had spent a fruitless day of troubleshooting with one of our new printers.
Read MorePAMAS News: Palawan Adventures
I, Wendy, have also had a very busy, but enjoyable month. It has been such a blessing for me to be here in Palawan and it’s been full of adventures and experiences.
Read MorePAMAS News: The God of Hope
Dear Family and Friends,
The last month has been very busy in Palawan with some medivac flights and making repairs and finishing some projects.
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