City Bible Group
City Bible Group produces a podcast series called “Setting the Record Straight: God’s truth for this generationâ€. The podcast currently has thousands of listeners around the world.
“Setting the Record Straight: God’s truth for this generation” is available on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, iHeart Radio and most other major podcasting platforms. The podcast can be streamed from the website at https://citybiblegroup.com. Another option is to listen on the City Bible Group YouTube channel.
Marla Ilona is City Bible Group’s founder and presenter. She left her career as an international management consultant to become a missionary and serve the Lord with all her time and talents. Marla preaches and teaches Bible Present Truth in English and Spanish. With the support of our donors we hope to soon be able to add French programming as well.
For many years Marla was specialized in organizational transformation and change leadership. She lived in France for 25 years, leading or delivering consulting engagements in numerous countries across three continents. Marla relocated back to the United States a few years ago.
City Bible Group’s mission is to carry the message of Jesus Christ’s imminent return to a world steeped in spiritual darkness. We bring Bible Present Truth to those who are seeking, thereby unmasking Satan’s deceptions and preparing a people to stand in the last days.
Currently we’re working on setting up a production studio for audio, video and television in collaboration with Gospel Ministries International. Your financial support is greatly needed and appreciated. May God bless you as you help finish God’s work.