GSM Volunteers Visit (Airbase Update!)
Dear Friends and Family,
After many weeks of getting the Twin-Commanche airplane ready to go in the States, Dwayne called the other day with good news and bad news. The bad news is the ferry tanks will be situated in such a way that there will not be room for a second pilot, so the other pilot, Gary Roberts will be flying the plane over here alone.
The good news is that Dwayne is coming home this Thursday! We are all very excited about this, especially me! Dwayne would have loved the experience of flying the plane over here, but he is also happy to be coming home. There is much to be done and it seems Dwayne needs to be cloned so he can be more effective 🙂
The Luzon airbase construction has continued on despite Dwayne’s absence, thanks to Andriy (our other pilot formerly in Palawan) who continues to hold down the fort, and also four guys (Ryan Booth, Daniel Bowman, Adam Clifford, and Daniel Lui) from the U.S. (with Global Mission Support) who came to help us in July and August. These guys have committed to doing mission projects around the world with their spare time and money. They are not interested in just having a good time (though I believe they did have a bit of that! 😉 They want to do projects that will really make a difference and will help to further God’s work. It was an inspiration to have them and we appreciated that they were able to be independent and also not afraid to be inconvenienced.
Here are some of the ways they were a blessing to our project:
Dwayne and I were not even around when the team first arrived, but with help from Andriy they were directed to the project site where they set up their own living quarters and outhouse.
After getting settled and acquiring some transportation (2 motorcycles) they started by finishing the trusses. Then they had to figure out how they were going to get the trusses up. They found and rented an excavator and with that they were able set the trusses in place. Next they painted the c-purlins and welded them in place, and then put on the roofing.
For the missionary housing on either side, we are using the containers which are also the walls of the hangar. So to begin this process they cut in windows and doors and made bars to cover the windows. They also installed some doors, and started working on the interior walls.
On the weekends they helped with the medical outreach team with the Cagayan Valley Adventist Hospital.
These accomplishments would not have been possible without Andriy who spent long days helping and hosting these guys for part of the time while we were still in the States and while his wife, Tanya was in Manila with a patient!
God blessed these guys with some donations to make this trip possible and we want to say a big thanks for that!
Here are some of the ways the money was spent:
- 2 Motorcycles
- Excavator rental
- Random building supplies/tools etc.
- And a cash donation when they left to help pay for other expenses
You can see what a blessing they were for our project! Thank you GSM team and all who made this possible!!
GSM (Global Mission Support) would love to have others join their mission trips so feel free to contact them if you know someone who might be interested. Though they mainly did construction work this time, they have a alot of different skills in the medical, aviation, and construction areas. They hope to do more with medical work next time or something that will be more interactive with the people. If you would like to donate to their projects or request their services you can contact Ryan Booth at: ryan@globalmissionsupport.org. Website: globalmissionsupport.org
Enjoy the pictures.
Special Request: Please continue to pray for the evangelistic meetings our missionaries are holding in Mayoyao, Ifugao right now this Sept. 19-29 and for the Health Expo to follow on the 30th. There is no Adventist presence in this vast mountainous area except for our missionaries. The people love them and are begging to be taught more and more. Pray for Satan to be kept away and for the Holy Spirit to be poured out.
Thank you!
Wendy and Dwayne Harris
Philippine Adventist Medical Aviation Services (PAMAS)
Current Needs:
–Fuel to fly the 6-seater Twin-Commanche from the U.S. to the Philippines (approximately $7,000)
–Support for Mayoyao missionaries: $300/month for one family, $50/ singles
–Funds to complete the hangar/housing complex and runway in Luzon ($15,000)
–Bibles and sharing materials for evangelistic meetings, village Bible studies, and medical missions ($5/Bible, $4/100 pamphlets)
–Helicopters–$250K each
If you would like to help you can make checks payable to:
Gospel Ministries International
Send checks to:
GMI (Gospel Ministries International)
P O Box 506, Collegedale, TN 37315.
Be sure to specify donation is for PAMAS
Or donate online at our website: pamasmission.org
(specify donation is for PAMAS)
Thank you very much!