Kimbia Mission Academy Report – Summer 2021
Country Living and So Much More
Hello, my brothers and sisters, this is our Guyana Mission Report for 2021. We are the Wills family and we have relocated to Guyana, South America on March 31, 2021, to permanently Volunteer as Medical Missionaries. We’d like to give you a little background about us, and what our plans are going forward with God’s work.
I was born into a Seventh Day Adventist family in Brooklyn, New York and my husband Mark was born in the beautiful country of Guyana. He was baptized as a child into the SDA Church but was not continually reared in the 3rd Angels Message when he relocated to the U.S. Without even understanding the blessing and instructions of country living, we moved to the Atlanta, Georgia area to raise our children. We did not want the city life to leave an impression on their minds the harmful way we knew it could.
By God’s providence and being a sociable family, we were able to make many friends in the Present Truth message of the SDA Church and begin studying God’s word as if we never saw it before. We fell in love with what God has done for His people and were alarmed that we had not been doing our part in helping to prepare ourselves and others for Christ’s soon return. Several years ago, we were blessed to meet Pastor/Uncle David Gates at an Apocalypse Ministry camp meeting after being exposed to many of his sermons over the years. Upon learning that my husband was originally from Guyana, he wanted us to come and volunteer with Gospel Ministries International the very next month! Of course, we were not ready for something as major as that and we already considered moving into the country areas of Tennessee with a few other families. We weren’t sure what ministry we wanted to do once we were in the country either.
As we began to earnestly pray and study, Guyana became more impressed on our hearts. Sometimes God takes things away to either direct or save us from situations that might draw us further away from Him. The land we had purchased with the other families fell through and we lost much money but strangely enough we were overjoyed because God showed us where He wanted us to be. My husband travelled to Guyana after 30 or more years to meet with his family and to meet with Pastor Gates. The day before their meeting I suffered a brain aneurysm and he had to return quickly for my surgery. Praise God from whom all blessing flow!!! My life was spared, and I was able to leave the ICU after 18 days without needing any physical therapy or additional medications! At my follow up with the surgeon he stared at me and exclaimed that I was lucky, but I corrected him and let him know I was blessed.
Let’s fast forward a bit. We were able to make communication with former and current missionaries as well as current and former citizens of Guyana, family, and friends. Each conversation helped with our preparation to leave the U.S. After the outbreak with Covid we felt that we missed our opportunity to leave America, but everything happens in God’s time. My husband was even stricken with extreme pain from sciatica and was bed ridden for a few months. He recognized that the enemy wanted to discourage us, and he told me to “book those plane tickets, nothing will keep us from God’s workâ€. Praise God he began to recover in less than two weeks of our arrival. He runs, walks, and stretches daily with minimal to no pain.
Before leaving America, we decided to form our organization with our family “Watchman On The Waters Ministryâ€. In investigating what GMI was already offering, we wanted to be a compliment to the work that needed to be done. Guyana is “The Land of Many Waters†and we would be living, working, and serving those who live alongside the rivers. Mark and I along with our three youngest children have committed our lives to serving God using the talents, gifts and means He has provided us with. There is much work to be done on the Kimbia Mission Campus. As the new Directors we are tasked with the work of restoring much of the damage that has been done by the elements, insects, time, and lack of manpower. The goal is to restore the homes in which we must live and then the former school building. The vision is to make it a multipurpose domain that will serve the residents of Kimbia and surrounding villages on the rivers. These are some of what will be done: a complete full-sized kitchen to teach plant- based cooking, soap making classes, community luncheons, etc. library with computer access and bookstore, a sewing classroom, an exercise room, the lecture hall for Bible study and community meetings, clinical health assessments, battered women’s shelter, orphanage assistance, gardening and so much more. Our intent is also to solicit physicians who normally come to Guyana and provide free surgeries to come to our campus. We must restore the dormitories so they will have accommodations while they do their work.
And Jesus looking upon them saith, “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27
We have learned through God’s word that we must ask Him to supply our needs and go forward believing in faith that His will, will be done so he gets the glory. KMA does not have a landing strip for the aviation ministry of GMI but we are standing on faith that we will receive a boat that we can transport those persons that need emergency medical care beyond my nursing scope of practice to medical facilities in the city.
We are asking for your prayers and support as we go forward with what God has commissioned this family to do.
Mark and Sharon Wills and family
Current needs:
(In order of importance.)
1. Much needed repairs on both houses. We need to fix the bathrooms, roofs, window screens, and rotten wood in both homes (not to mention add a ceiling… bats ewwww). Both homes are infested with termites, wasps, and other critters.
2. Supplies for gardening, installing a greenhouse (aluminum and pvc pipe, tarp, netting, etc.) and protection from the cows who love to raid the vegetation.
3. The engine for the KMA boat is broken. Repairs have been attempted, but additional parts are needed to get it running again.
4. New tires and electrical repairs for the tractor.
5. New treated lumber to repair the boat dock.
6. For the school building, our plan is to turn it into a multipurpose facility.
a. We need to replace the roof, windows, and doors. Millions of wasps must be exterminated.
b. Inside the building (thankfully it’s concrete) we need to restore the library, open a bookstore (we came with many donated evangelistic books, it would be good to get some KJV Bibles. The American Bible society sells them for about $7 US each.)
d. We want to add a kitchen for cooking classes, soap making, etc.
e. My son shipped his weightlifting/exercise equipment so he will have a room to hold fitness classes.
f. There is a room available for a sewing class (we need at least 2 portable sewing machines).
g. My daughter (age 18) is good at doing hair. I am thinking about giving her a room to wash hair and do facials just to help make the women of the village feel good about themselves.
h. We shipped boxes of our semi-used clothing and donated clothing and will have a Dorcas room.
i. I am a nurse so I will have a room for treatment/assessments. I could use equipment such as a Glucometer and testing strips, an AED, Doppler Fetal Monitor. There is another small building that was a nurse clinic at one time but we will make it an additional faculty home just in case we need to accommodate another missionary family.
7. There are two dorms, a cafeteria building, and a woodworking shop. All these buildings are wood so of course full of termites and wasps. We have to figure out which one is the best to restore for a battered women’s shelter and orphanage.
We also have connections with other ministries who know physicians that will come in to provide needed surgeries for free. They just need food, housing and a proper clinic setting. As you can see there is much work to be done but we are determined to get it done with God’s help.
How to help:
You can donate online: http://gospelministry.org/donations/
Or by phone at: 423-473-1841
Or you can send a tax deductible donation to:
Gospel Ministries International
PO Box 506
Collegedale, TN 37315
Kindly include a separate note that it is for Kimbia Missionary Academy Project.
Contact us directly:
Mailing address:
Lot 49 Robert Road,
Sparendaam, East Coast Demarara,
Guyana, South America.
Local Phone: (592) 687-5637 (Not available in Kimbia. The best way to contact us is by email.)
Email: Watchmanonthewatersministry@gmail.com
Whatsapp: Mark (347)385-7579 and Sharon (347) 423-4447