Amazonian Medical Mission
The Amazonian Medical mission. Our vision and purpose are to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of heaven to the Amazonian indigenous tribes in the North Western part of the Bolivian Amazonian rainforest. The indigenous T'simane, Takana, Chiman and Araones Amazonian tribes all live within reach of the Amazonian Medical Mission. We provide medical care to heal the sick and broken hearted. As our friendship develops we share by precept and example the good news and lifesaving Gospel of Jesus. (Matthew24:14 and Revelations 14:6-12).
Our health center (once completed) will not only provide top quality natural medical care, but also preventative, nutritional and hygienical educational training for both young and elderly. We will also specialize in ozone and hydro therapy, and colon cleaning. We are also currently studying with the indigenous tribes the almost unlimited health restoring medical plants found only in the amazon.
The T'simane Amazonian school. This school is designed to teach the T'simane children and adults to read and write in their own language, to continue the bible classes, preventative, nutritional and hygienical educational training. The school is also in the planning stage to expand to include family based agricultural and industrial training programs.
The Amazonian Book center: This project is interconnected with our Amazonian school program to teach the art and skill of learning by reading. We provide bibles, Spirit of Prophecy, and health books to every part of Bolivia.
El Refugio: This project is to maintain the Amazonian Medical Mission as a self-supporting ministry. We produce our own food, herbs, medical plants and electricity. All water is provided from a pure spring on the property.
Our contact information: Clinton and Sheila
WhatsApp: +591 72592414
Email: amazonian.mission@gmail.com
Youtube: Amazonian Mission
Facebook: Amazonian Medical Mission
Personal Facebook: Sheila Cayoja Herrmann
Contact us to request our monthly newsletters.
Amazonian Medical mission. Nuestra vision y proposito son proclamar el evangelio del Rein de los cielos a las tribus indigenas del Amazonas en la parte Noroeste de la selva boliviana. Los indigenas Amazonicos T'simane, Takana, Chiman y Araones todos viven dentro del alcance de Amazonian Medical Mission. Proveemos cuidado medico para sanar enfermedades y corazones rotos. Como nuestra amistad se desarrolla nosotros compartimos por precepto y ejemplo las buenas nuevas y la vida de salvación del evangelio de Jesus. (Mateo 24:14 y Apocalipsis 14:6-12).
El Refugio: This project is to maintain the Amazonian Medical Mission as a self-supporting ministry. We produce our own food, herbs, medical plants and electricity. All water is provided from a pure spring on the property.
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