Forbbiden Pictures Revealed – Did Ron Wyatt tell the truth?

David Gates interviews Dr. David Kim, who made 12 trips behind military fences in Saudi Arabia and climbed Mt. Sinai to collect evidence of a Red Sea crossing. Amazing photos and artifacts. A Korean physician, Dr. Kim was the personal physician for the Prince of Saudi Arabia for 16 years. During this time Dr. Kim…

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PAMAS News: Joy Amidst Trials

It’s been awhile since we’ve written, and we’ve really been negligent in thanking many of you for your precious gifts you send us. We want to thank each one of you for your faithful prayers and support for this ministry. Your sacrifices and gifts make a big difference here.

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Return to Wax Creek

I stared intently at the spot where the airstrip was supposed to be. I could see that light rain was falling directly over the patch of savannah where Wax Creek airstrip was located.

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MOVE Update Letter

Why start a training center, some may ask? The reason goes back when I first started working in Bolivia. I was asked to direct a high school to which I reluctantly accepted feeling very much unqualified for the task.

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Revival In Wax Creek

As I put the airplane into a shallow dive, I scoured the desolate savanna airstrip, looking for the bible workers. I was scheduled to pass by Wax Creek on the way to Kopinang to move Pastor Casey to yet another village.

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