Helen goes to Las Amalias – Bolivia Northeast Jungle
Helen goes to Las Amalias Hello Everyone! Well, here goes for a version of my trip to Las Amalias. The real version will come when you go there yourself! My impression of Las Amalias was that it was a little village way back in the jungle, inhabited by jungle people who mostly ate rice and…
Read MoreHCBN Program Guide for 2011
2011 January2011 February2011 March2011 April
Read Moreprésentation2010
Voir la présentation de TVFamille ici en bas (vidéo réalisée en décembre 2010)
Read MoreTestimony of a young man in Europe
Hi Uncle David, We met this weekend in Norway. I talked to you how I have the wish to do something for the Russian people. You said that I could come to learn about the work in the media center. I have prayed several times about it and a have a wonderful peace about it,…
Read MoreWake UP
God is calling us to wake up and do what he is calling us to do. Lets do what he is calling us to. It will only take $7 to put a child in school for a month.
Read MoreMission to the Church
Mission to the Church is a new production studio
We produce videos and sell the cd’s for $10 each set.
So we plan 4 tv shows and do them 4 nights.
Thats a set.
Mission to the Church
Mission to the Church is a new production studio
We produce videos and sell the cd’s for $10 each set.
So we plan 4 tv shows and do them 4 nights.
Thats a set.
AMA Bolivia expands
AMA Bolivia recently became Adventist Medical Association, the name change shows its expanded activities. They are now active in Medical Aviation, caring of patients. They are also planning on acquiring an ambulance for transportation and a form of board to host patients.
Their new website is: http://amabolivia.net (Spanish).
In English you can see a fairly good google […]
GFN Radio on YouTube
Click here for a YouTube video of the GFN Radio Station project.
Read MoreInforme Agosto del Director General
Doinel “Dorú” Tartea comparte acerca de los avances y las necesidades para voluntarios en el Centro Educativo Familia Feliz en la selva de Bolivia. En especial necesitan un agricultor de experiencia.
Doinel “Doru” Tartea (Familia Feliz General Director) shares about the progress and needs at this school and safe home for children in the jungles of […]