GFN Update – He had one leg…
He had one leg, and was standing on the side of the road, his crutches in hand. I prayed, “Oh Lord, please send him some help!” The buses don’t run on Sundays and after spending twenty long months on crutches I know how difficult it is to be disabled. I didn’t anticipate what went through my mind next. “Why don’t you go help him!?” Immediately all the reasons why I didn’t have time went through my mind. It was Sunday afternoon which we have designated as “family time”. I was on my way home from working on our radio transmitter up on Mt. Maitland and I didn’t want anything to get in the way of our time together. I hesitated, but I couldn’t ignore the call. So I turned around and went back to find him, hoping he was going in the same direction I was. “Where are you headed?” I asked. “Grand Anse” was the reply. I had just come from there. “Get in, and I’ll take you where you need to go.” As we drove he asked me, “Do you remember me?” I struggle to remember names and faces but as he talked I remembered the last time I’d picked him up.
On that day last year, he’d also stood on the rode-side when I picked him up and took him where he needed to go. As we rode together, I heard the story of a man in his prime, who wanted to work but because of his disability, was unable to find employment. My heart was deeply touched by his predicament and as I dropped him off, I gave him some money and a GFN card inviting him to listen to 91.3FM.
Now as we drove on this sunny Sunday afternoon, I listened to this same man literally rave about 91.3 FM! Over and over he exclaimed how wonderful “that station” is. He shared how he enjoyed its music and its messages and how he told everyone that this station is right here in Grenada! He also told me how he hadn’t eaten anything for the day and his “belly was empty.” He was trying to get to a friend’s house to see if he could give him something to eat, so I dropped him off at a nearby grocery store in Grand Anse and gave him some money to buy food.
Since then I have wondered. What would have happened if we hadn’t come to Grenada to build this radio station? What would have happened if I hadn’t picked this disabled man up and given him some help for his needs and a GFN card inviting him to listen to the word of God? What would have happened to so many others who have shared how blessed they have been by 91.3 FM? I shudder to think of the emptiness that would have remained in so many lives.
How about you? Does your life need to be filled with peace and love directly from your creator? You can gain these blessings too by listening to GFN.
Would you like to be a part of blessing many people via radio and soon via TV? If everyone reading this email just gave something small each month the struggle to pay the bills would be over and our ability to double our reach via radio and also TV would be realized.
Thank you for reading this PDF file to become part of the solution so many people are searching for.
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40
Thank you and may God bless you richly,
John, Sue, Steven and Sarah Bartels Grenada/Global Family Network www.grenadafamilynetwork.org Â