Japan Mission Video
My name is Nakamura Mikiyo(68 years old) and I live in Nagasaki, Tsushima, Japan.  Actually, I was born with a paralized leg due to polio, and putting on too much weight on my other leg, I had lived in pain physically and mentally.  Besides, I had started having this severe headache since more than 10 years ago. Seeking for a relief in vein. All the doctors, the therapies and remedies were useless. I even tried going to religious organizations, and even a fortune-telling witch doctor and I have lost a great amount of money. Every day was a dreadful day and it seemed like I was possessed by an evil spirit. But one day, a neighbor and friend told me about Mr. Kurihara. She said he was doing a lot of volunteering work for Mission on this island, Tsushima since January (2012) so I decided to visit him. He was inviting groups of missionaries from Korea, America and so on, to serve the villagers with free massages, English education and socializing time, etc. Besides doing voluntary work himself. They are all self-supporting missionaries. Which means they are working for free. . In March, an American Missionary couple (Moses & Vannessa Primo-while serving as missionaries in Suwon, SDALI ) came for a visit and prayed for me. They held my hands tight, and prayed for me and gave me a massage. They put their hands on my head and prayed fervently. Then I was free from that headache which no one knew the cause. During the prayer, I felt something-I don’t know what it is!- leaving my body and since then the headaches has been gone for good! It was truly an amazing experience! Since then, I started studying the Bible for the first time in my life and worshipping God with the Kurihara’s every Saturday. I live with prayer every morning, noon and night. Heavenly peace fills my heart and I live a life of praise to God. I decided to receive Jesus Christ as my savior and decided to walk with him all my life.On a Wednesday, August 29, 2012, Pastor Wi, Su Min(PMM pastor serving in Saga SDA church) came and I got baptized in a beautiful valley stream in Tsushima. I will live a life fully dependent on God and walk with Him always. I want to thank alll the prayers that were offered for me, the foot massages, and all the concerns. I want to live my remaining life with my God with the new hope in Him! Hallelujah!